Prof. Mario Augusto Rojas
Professor, Valley Children's Hospital, Madera CA, USA
Articles in refereed journals:
• Duara S, Rojas MA, Claure N. Upper airway stability and respiratory muscle activity during inspiratory loading in full-term neonates. Journal of Applied Physiology, 77(1): 37-42, July 1994.
• Cordoba E, Gerhardt T, Rojas MA, Duara S, Bancalari E. Comparison of the effects of acetazolamide and aminophylline on apnea incidence and on ventilatory response to CO2 in preterm infants. Pediatric Pulmonology, 17(5): 291-5, May 1994.
• Rojas MA, Gonzales A, Bancalari E, Claure N, Poole C, Silva-Neto G. Changing trends in the epidemiology and pathogenesis of neonatal chronic lung disease. Journal of Pediatrics, 126(4); 605-10, April 1995.
• Gonzalez A, Tortorolo L, Gerhardt T, Rojas MA. Intrasubject variability of repeated pulmonary function measurements in preterm ventilated infants. Pediatr Pulmonology, 21:35-41, 1996.
• Rojas M, Kaplan M, Mayes L, Sherwonit E, Quevedo M, Foster L, Ehrenkranz R. Traditional Holding (TH) and Skin-to-Skin Care (SSC) for newborn Infants < 1500 grams. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 24 (30): 163-168, June 2003
• Efird MM, Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Bose CL, Rojas MX, Rondon MA, Ruiz G, Piñeros JG, Rojas C, Robayo G, Hoyos A, Gosendi MH, Cruz H, Leon A. Epidemiology of nosocomial infection in selected neonatal intensive care units in Colombia S.A. Colombian Neonatal Research Network. Journal of Perinatology, 25: 531-536, August 2005
• Rojas MA, Efird MM, Lozano JM, Bose CL, Rojas MX, Rondon MA, Ruiz G, Piñeros JG, Rojas C, Robayo G, Hoyos A, Gosendi MH, Cruz H, Leon A. Risk factors for nosocomial infection in selected neonatal intensive care units in Colombia S.A. Colombian Neonatal Research Network. Journal of Perinatology, 25: 537-541 August 2005.
• Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Rojas MX, Bose CL, Rondón MA, Ruiz G, Piñeros JG, Rojas C, Robayo G, Hoyos A, Celis LA, Torres S. Randomized, multicenter trial of conventional ventilation versus high-frequency oscillatory ventilation for the early management of respiratory failure in term or near term infants in Colombia. Journal of Perinatology 2005; 25:720-24
• Rojas MX, Rondon MA, Lozano JM, Rojas MA. La Asignación del Recurso de Enfermeria y su Relación con la Infección Nosocomial en las Unidades de Cuidado Neonatal. Colombian Neonatal Research Network. Pediatría; 41 (4): December 2006.
• Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Rojas MX. International Collaborative Research. A Colombian Model that Promotes Infant Health and Research Capacity. Colombian Neonatal Research Network. Journal of Perinatology, advance online publication, 20 September 2007;27 (12):738-743.
• Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Rojas MX, Laughon M, Bose CL, Charry L, Rondon MA, Bastidas JA, Perez LA, Rojas C, Ovalle O, Celis LA, Garcia-Harker JE, Jaramillo ML. Very early surfactant without mandatory ventilation in premature infants treated with early continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics, January 2009; 123:137-142.
• Tunks RD, Rojas MA, Edwards KM, Liske MR. Do Rates of Arthritis and Chorea Predict the Incidence of Acute Rheumatic Fever? Pediatrics International (2011) 53, 742–746.
• Rojas MX, Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Rondón MA, Charry LP. Regional Variation on Rates of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Associated Risk Factors. SRN Pediatrics Volume 2012, Article ID 685151, 9 pages doi:10.5402/2012/685151.
• Rojas MA, Lozano JM, Rojas MX et al. Prophylactic probiotics to prevent death and nosocomial infection in preterm infants. A randomized trial. Pediatrics Volume 130, Number 5, November 2012.
• Vucovich MM, Cotton RB, Shelton EL, Goettel JA, Ehinger NJ, Poole SD, Brown N, Wynn JL, Paria BC, Slaughter JC, Clark RH, Rojas MA, Reese J. Aminoglycoside-mediated relaxation of the ductus arteriosus in sepsis-associated PDA. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014 Jul 3. pii: ajpheart.00838.2013. [Epub ahead of print]
• Rojas MA. Equipoise in research and the development of neonatal interventions for the management of respiratory distress syndrome: A historical perspective. American Journal of Perinatology December 2014.
• Lambeth TM1, Rojas MA, Holmes AP, Dail RB. The Golden Hour a QI initiative to improve neonatal outcomes. Adv Neonatal Care. 2016 Aug;16(4):264-72. doi: 10.1097/ ANC. 0000000
• Sisk PM, Lambeth TM, Rojas MA, Lightbourne T, Barahona M, Anthony E, Auringer ST. Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Growth in Preterm Infants Fed Predominantly Maternal Milk, Pasteurized Donor Milk, or Preterm Formula. A Retrospective Study. Accepted for publication by the American Journal of Perinatology Nov. 3 2016. DOI
• Project Baby Baer: The First State-funded Quality Improvement Project of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units. Ellsworth et al. Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, Valley Children’s Healthcare, Madera, CA, USA, University of California, San Francisco, Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, CA, USA, Children’s Hospital of Orange County CA, USA, University of California Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA, USA. ACMG 2020. Accepted for publication by the American Journal of Human Genetics May 5, 2021.
• Chandrasekar I, Ortiz E, Norgaard J, Rojas MA. Home Nasogastric Tube Feeding in Patients with Soft Indications for Gastrostomy Tube Placement. International Journal of Gastroenterology. Vol. 5, No. 2, 2021, pp. 91-95. doi: 10.11648/j.ijg.20210502.19
• Gutierrez-Sanchez L.A, Becerra-Mojica CH, Rojas MA, Diaz-Martinez LA, Perez-Vera LA, Contreras-Gutierrez GA et al. Fetal central nervous system anomalies according to RT-PCR and trimester of maternal infection with Zika virus: A prospective cohort study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;00:1–11.
• Holman JLN, Lambeth TM, Check JF, Rojas MA. Diagnosis and management of cardiopulmonary events in very low birth weight infants close to discharge: a quality improvement initiative. Provisionally accepted to Journal of Perinatology. Jan 5, 2022.
Honours and Awards
• Rhone Poulenc Rocer Award for best protocol and research design: Randomized, multicenter trial of conventional ventilation versus high-frequency oscillatory ventilation for the early management of respiratory failure in term or near term infants in Colombia. Colombian National Academy of Medicine 1999
• Thomas H. Davis Fellowship Award. The American Lung Association of North Carolina, 1998
• Junior Faculty Development Award, University of North Carolina, 1997
• Outstanding Fellow Teaching Award, School of Medicine, Yale University, 1996-1997
• Fitzbutler Humanitarianism in Medicine Award, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, 2007
• Induction into the Vanderbilt’s Academy for Excellence in Teaching April 2011
• Vanderbilt Credo Award April 2011
• Best Doctors in Tennessee, October 2011
• Award “Fe en La Causa” Republic of Colombia for advancing the quality of care of newborn infants in Colombia, October 19, 2012
• Award for Service and Leadership in advancing the care of newborn infants in Colombia, Colombian Neonatal Association, October 19, 2012
• Best Doctors in America 2013-2015
• Best Doctors in the State of North Carolina 2014-2021